I am sharing this testimonial as a blog post to show that change doesn’t have to be slow and painful. Neither sometimes do you have to dramatically change your life – sometimes it’s about unlocking preivious life events that you have carried around and then seeing your life differently. Significant life events can be dealt with through modern approaches which don’t involve you re-living your past and very often can be dealt with in 1 session – sounds too good to be true, well I can assure you it’s possible! The brain either learns quickly of more gently over time through routines. Therefore, when you create the right environment and use the right processes the brain can un-learn quickly.
Where there are anxiety and worry issues your relationship with yourself and your self talk are key parts to getting better. So a vital part of my life coaching work with clients is to work with their thinking and them finding their authentic self and who they want to be. Nobody has to be a vicctim of their circumstances or a brain that runs automatic routines and processes that block you having the live you want. If you spend your time beating yourself up and engaging with that inner critical voice then in effect your brain feels under attack and pumps stress hormones around your body. It makes natural sense then self kindness has powerful effects in helping change your physiology. Self kindness generates oxytocin our bonding hormone and gives a wellbeing feeling.
This lady came to see me. and she had experienced a number of recent personal events that were really stressful and were ongoing. She had also had a very difficult childhood. This is what’s possible in her own words and she wanted to share her story to give others hope.
A little bit about me and why I sought Debbie’s help..
After thinking I was dealing with my fathers terminal illness well, then my friend being diagnosed with breast cancer and finally my husband with heart problems this year, life seemed to be overwhelmingly hard. Then my Gp said I was in the menopause! I was trying to deal with it all, however, I was very upset. I turned to family and friends for comfort and although they were kind, I wasn’t feeling any better, so I started looking for outside professional help.
When I called Debbie my exact words were “I need re-programming!”
Debbie struck me as a very experienced, straight talking type of person and with her background and life skills I hoped we would get on and she could help me.
Well, after only 3 sessions, she has turned my life around. She has given me the skills to cope when the emotional going gets tough and helped me to value and be kinder to myself.
I have found Debbie to be a clever and caring person, who listens intently whilst taking on board my issues. I feel totally at ease in her company and she’s funny too.
My experience with Debbie has been a life changer and I will be forever thankful to her. Thank you for re-programming me! Happy days.