I am sharing a blog I wrote for my relationship site. I hope you find it helpful. Repairing during and after a fight is key to relationship success all relationships no matter how strong they are the parties will come into conflict and differences of opinion. Schopenhauer the pessimistic philosopher didn’t see an end to..
My friend kindly invited me to watch Inside Out the Disney Pixar Movie – “meet the little voices inside your head.” If you haven’t seen it – it’s worth a watch and inspired me to write this blog. In short (the plot is more complex) the Movie is about how the central character a girl..
As women we don’t have to conquer the world but we owe it to ourselves to honour our true values and live authentically and wholeheartedly.
“Love looks not with the eye, but with the mind, and therefore is the wing’d Cupid painted blind’ Shakespeare, A Midsummers Night Love is in the air and it’s a leap year. My boyfriend calls it Happy Racketeering Day, well I say we have a choice and can make it about spreading the love. Woven..
We are born into this World with an innate wellbeing, greatness and potential to live the life we deserve and want. We are the most incredibly adaptable species which means that our brain is the least hardwired and is sculptured, conditioned and changed after birth. This is an amazing gift, however, it can be the thing that propels use..
I am sharing this testimonial as a blog post to show that change doesn’t have to be slow and painful. Neither sometimes do you have to dramatically change your life – sometimes it’s about unlocking preivious life events that you have carried around and then seeing your life differently. Significant life events can be dealt..
THOUGHTS – SOME HELPFUL TIPS FOR UNHELPFUL THOUGHTS Humans are thought machines and we can have on average 60,000 of them a day – they grip our attention and can have great power over how we react, feel and behave. Thoughts seem to come out of nowhere. Thoughts can seem random but are automatically generated..
The modern Woman is under a huge amount of stress to become an archetype of “Superwoman” and very often has to be Partner, lover, friend, businesswoman, mother and daughter and is expected to jump dynamically inbetween all of these roles in her life. Societyplaces huge expectations and demands. You can be all of these things if..